PHEN Survivor Network Member: Rev. Bobby Richardson

New Carrollton, Maryland

In May 2023, prostate cancer survivor Rev. Bobby Richardson joined the PHEN Survivor Network after speaking with PHEN Ambassador Dr. Artie Shelton at his church, the Reid Temple AME Church, in Glenn Dale, MD.

Rev. Bobby’s doctor found that his PSA levels, while high, were not too bad and took the wait-and-see approach. Unfortunately, the numbers remained high and an MRI scan found a spot on the left side of his prostate, which led to a biopsy that found cancerous tissue. Bobby was treated for prostate cancer in 2021 at AAUrology, which is a hospital network based in Maryland.

Rev. Bobby decided to join the PHEN Survivor Network because prostate cancer is so prevalent in the African-American community. He wanted to encourage and educate others to undergo regular screening and follow early prostate cancer detection protocols.

Further, he promised God to become an advocate and work with Dr. Shelton to share literature and spread awareness in his community. He is happy to be working with PHEN and Dr. Artie Shelton side-by-side.

He also explained how vital it is to have a good community of people standing behind you and providing support when undergoing prostate cancer treatment. Rev. Bobby’s wife, daughter, and church friends were instrumental in his recovery. “Without them, I wouldn’t have made it through,” explained Rev. Bobby.

PHEN is pleased to welcome Rev. Bobby Richardson to its Survivor Network.

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