PHEN and its church partners hosted Prostate Health Educational Symposiums in seventeen (17) cities in 2016.
Each symposium was an in-depth educational event with participation by medical experts, church leaders, prostate cancer survivors with their family members, and community and political leaders. These events were supported by PHEN pharmaceutical partners and others.

Each symposium was free and open to the public with a program which focused on:

 ► Healthy men: to inform them about their risk for prostate cancer, early detection screening guidelines and shared decision making;

► Men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer: to share information about treatment options, whether to treat immediately or follow a course of active surveillance; 

► Men with recurring and advanced prostate cancer: to disseminate available treatment options including clinical trials and managing survivorship issues; 

 ► Wives and caregivers: to provide support and resources to assist in supporting prostate cancer survivors and themselves through the prostate cancer journey; 

► The importance of spiritual faith in navigating the journey of hope for men facing prostate cancer and their family member

► Addressing the role of women and advocates
for prostate cancer survivors; and providing free prostate cancer screening.

                              Symposium Cities, Church Partners and Dates


Cities/Church Partners                          Dates                    Time               

Atlanta, GA   
Ben Hill United Methodist                         6/4/16                   8:00am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Bensalem, PA
Love Fellowship Tabernacle Church        6/11/16                 10:00am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Birmingham, AL                        
Sixth Avenue Baptist                                 7/9/16                   9:00am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Boston, MA                                  
Greater Love Tabernacle                         5/21/16                 10:00am - 2:00pm
Symposium Program

Brooklyn, NY                               
Berean Baptist                                         6/18/16                 10:00am - 2:00pm
Symposium Program

Charlotte, NC                               
Friendship Missionary Baptist                  6/11/16                 8:30am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Chicago, IL                                
Trinity United Church of Christ                 8/13/16                  9:30am - 2:00pm
Symposuim Program

Dallas, TX                                               
Hamilton Park UMC                                 6/25/16               9:00am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Goldsboro, NC                 
First African Baptist                                  6/4/16                8:30am - 12:00 noon 
Symposium Program

Jacksonville, FL                         
Greater Grant Memorial AME                   6/11/16               8:30 - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Los Angeles, CA                        
Bethel AME/Bryant Temple AME              6/18/16             9:00am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Nashville, TN                              
Fifteenth Avenue Baptist                          10/22/16   
Symposium Program

Newport News, VA                    
Ivy Baptist                                                 9/17/16            12:00noon - 3:00pm
Symposuim Program

Oakland, CA                                
Acts Full Gospel COGIC                           6/25/16             8:30am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Queens, NY                                
Greater Allen AME Cathedral                   10/8/16            8:00am - 12:00noon
Symposium Program

Raleigh, NC                                 
St. Matthew Baptist                                   4/23/16           9:00am - 1:00pm
Symposium Program

Richmond, VA                            
The Saint Paul’s Baptist                            6/11/16       8:00am -12:00noon
Symposium Program



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